Administrator Guide 2017

Document - splitting up a form

A document is a way of splitting up a form - usually there is just the one document, but often sets of questions are related to each other (eg bathroom inspection and kitchen inspection) so splitting them into multiple documents makes sense.

The number of documents in a template will depend on the workflow of the job for which is intended. If data will be entered at different stages or times, it is better to split the template into multiple documents to guide the user to work on one at a time. However, if the user will be completing sections in an inconsistent order then it is better to use a single document as only one document can be open on the device at a time and this avoids multiple closing and re-opening.

For example, data collected at the start and at the end of a leasing period needs to be grouped together as one report but would sensibly be split into two related inventory documents. Conversely, an engineer's call-out report might require technical information and photographs as well as parts ordering which may require 'jumping about' as the investigative work progresses.


Enter basic details for your document.

*Name A name that will identify this document, such as 'Bathroom' or 'Kitchen'.
*Description A longer name for the document, suitable for use on reports that may be sent to customers. It also needs to mean something to administrators and device users.

Tick this box if the question is mandatory and leave it blank if it is optional.  This will depend on whether the answer to this question is critical to the data that is being collected, such as signature to confirm customer acceptance.

Unique name

A unique name must exist for everything in a magic5 template.  It is so important that magic5 pre-fills the prompt with a non-meaningful name which it will use by default.  This does not need to be changed.

However, if the data associated with the unique name is to be used elsewhere (for example as part of a calculation, imported or exported, or carried over to a new job), it is helpful to use a meaningful name (such as RefNo, QuantityOrdered, ItemTotal, ContactName, ReasonForReferral) and this meaningful name must be entered before the template is used with real data.

If the unique name is changed at a later date, existing data will not be lost but it may no longer be accessible by magic5, in which case it cannot be displayed, used in calculations or exported.  It is therefore recommended that this is done only as a last resort and that the original template is duplicated before changes are made - this means that existing data can still be retrieved if necessary.  If in any doubt, please contact magic5 support for the best way to deal with this.

Report tab

Options for document behaviour within a report.

Suppress from report If a document is to be withheld from the final .pdf file, tick this box - ie for internal use only..

Rearrange documents/actions

Click on the 'Rearrange documents' link to see the list as shown on the right.  Drag 'n' drop documents until they are in the order you require.
Drag 'n' drop to rearrange

Drag 'n' drop to rearrange

See Also