Administrator Guide 2017
Import a Customer List

Create the spreadsheet to import

  1. Create a suitable format for copying items from an existing customer list (eg export to a .csv file and open in Excel) or print/display your list for manual typing.
  2. Download the template spreadsheet and look at the worksheet called Help&Examples for guidance.
  3. Select the worksheet called Customer List.
  4. Type or paste your customer names into column B (marked in purple in the example). 
  5. Type or paste the location names into column J (marked in purple in the example), ensuring that they correspond with the customer name entered in step 4.  If a customer has more than one location, enter them immediately below each other, leaving the customer name blank in column B (refer to examples if required).
  6. Enter other information as required, ensuring that it is in the correct row for the customer/location to which it is related (refer to examples if required).  This is optional and can be amended manually through Setup/Maintenance->Customers at a later date.
  7. Save to a suitable folder on your computer for uploading to magic5 in the next stage - Importing a customer spreadsheet.
Hovering over a cell in the top row will give additional information about organising customer information - this may seem quite technical and can be returned to at a later date.

Import into magic5

  1. Display the Customer list by selecting Customers from the Setup/Maintenance menu.
  2. Click on the Import from spreadsheet button which will open another window.
  3. Leave the defaults selected for assigning all templates and groups to all customers (unless you wish to customise yourself).  These can be amended at a later date.
  4. Click on Add attachment (opens an Upload Files window).
  5. Click the Select button (opens a Browse window).
  6. Browse your computer for the already-prepared Excel spreadsheet (see Creating a customer spreadsheet for details) and click the Open button (closes Browse window and returns to Upload Files window).
  7. Click the Save button to close the Upload Files window.
  8. Click the Save button to close the Import from spreadsheet window and your customer list will be populated automatically.

See Also