Document Library Advanced
This process is not as complicated as it looks and allows documents to be organised on the device. However, it is only worth doing if there are a lot of documents or the device user may have difficulty locating the correct one to read.
- Create a list - see Adding a List if you need help with this. It is a good idea to give it a special name to indicate that it is related to the document library, although it can be used elsewhere as well. In the example, all the list names are prefixed with 'DL' so that they appear together in the list, but this is not a requirement.
- Alternatively (or as well), click Create list tag button to create a list with a suitable name. Then tick the box to indicate which lists are used in the Document Library. To view only these, select the tag name from the drop-down list at the top. In the example the tag is called Document library lists but the name is not important.
- Click on the list name to open the list properties.
- Click on the tab called Additional Attributes for list entries (advanced).
- Tick the box titled Associated image or document.
- Save.
- Click on the List entries link next to the newly created list (DL-Help-Outputs in the example).
- Click the Add Item button.
- Enter a meaningful name as a description then click the Additional Attributes tab.
- Click the Add attachment link.
- Tap the Select button to open your computer's browsing window. Select your required file.
- If required, tap the Add button to add more than one and the Remove link to remove any.
- Save.
- Save.
- Return to the list of Lists by clicking the link in the breadcrumb or selecting Lists from the Setup/Maintenance menu.
- Click on the List entries link next to Document library. You will then see the categories already in your document library (if any).
- Select the category that you wish to use or add a new one from the Add Item button. See Adding a List Entry for further help on creating a new one.
- After entering a Description select the list created above from the Cascading child list drop-down list as shown. This will create a set of menus to organise the documents on the device.
- Save.
- Log on to the device. You may need to Receive Updates and log on again.
- Tap Document library
- Tap the required Category
- Tap the required Document
See Also